People are the mission, and time is short. The eternal stakes could not be higher. Therefore, as a church we are passionately committed to gospel outreach. We will seek to advance the gospel through local outreach, global missions, and a commitment from the outset to replication through church planting. We share the grace we’ve been given with others. We share Christ love and hope with people outside the four walls of BFC as a way to point them to Jesus. We’re not satisfied with simply being the church “over there”. We want to be know in our community for being a place where people can receive encouragement, love, and support. We understand that relationship typically precedes the Gospel especially in our current context, therefore we view every outreach event as a means to start and or deepen previously established relationships.
John & Jamy Cochran
John and Jamy work with Pioneers supporting more than 10 teams in 2 South East Asian countries. These current teams and others in development focus on church planting among unreached people groups. From their home base in Nevada and frequent trips overseas, John & Jamy support these teams through member care, mentoring, accountability, training, and leadership development. They further assist the teams by helping enlist new members, and by fostering communication with local sending and supporting churches. Donations given in support of John & Jamy can be made through Pioneers using account #112875. Contact John and Jamy to receive their regular newsletter.
Great Commission Collective
The Great Commission Collective (GCC) is a group of pastors, elders, and leaders who provide wisdom, resources, support, and community to each other, training you to flourish as you lead a church or church plant. Jesus gave us the Great Commission—the call to make disciples and teach them to follow what He taught us. We are stronger when we carry out this mission together— sharing an abundance of resources and collective support that promote longevity for our leaders and our churches. Visit GCC’s website to learn more.
Ben & Christina
Ben and Christina work with Global Serve International in Southeast Asia to plant a church among an unreached language group. They will begin with culture and language acquisition of the national language before moving into the minority language group. They will then start a business to provide a legitimate identity while learning the language and culture of this group, then translate and teach the Bible to, Lord willing, see people come to faith in Christ and plant an indigenous local church among these people. Support for Ben and Christina can be given by emailing this completed form (the email address is at the top of the form).