Where Friendships Grow and Transformation Happens...
Deepen your walk as a disciple of Jesus as you join others in studying the Bible, Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Leadership.
You will have the opportunity to develop friendships with other men and grow in Christian character through accountability with one another.
Increase your knowledge of who God is
Focus on who you are in Christ
Discover your gifting and refine it by putting it to work at home, church, work, and in community
Discipleship Groups
Sundays are great at BFC, but we know you face challenges and need support Monday through Saturday. Being part of a Discipleship Group means having people you can talk to, depend on, and explore God’s word with.
If you’re wondering what your next step is after coming on a Sunday morning, you’ve found it. We really believe that taking the step to join a group will be a decision you won’t regret. Connecting with a group is great place for you to grow personally and build true relationships.
The 4 main goals of Discipleship Groups are:
- To care for others and to be cared for
- To learn how to correctly apply God’s Word to your life
- To hear, experience, and be encouraged by stories of answered prayers
- To strengthen your confidence of who you are in Christ
Bridge Men
To equip Christian men in how they lead themselves and others, love, and protect in every area of their lives.
Who We Are:
Bridge Men is a band of brothers united in their devotion to Jesus. We gather to study the bible, care for one another, hold each other accountable, and inspire each other. All Men, regardless of your age or current life stage, are welcome to be part of our ministry!
Bridge Women
Deepen your walk as a disciple of Jesus as you join other men studying the Bible, Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Leadership. You will have the opportunity to develop friendships with other men and grow in Christian character through accountability with one another.
- Ensure BRIDGE Women are encouraged to keep God first in every aspect of their lives through prayer, bible reading, meditation, regular gatherings, and accountability.
- Prepare BRIDGE Women for the challenges of life by the studying and teaching of God’s Word and sharing of experiences of other Godly women.
- Provide BRIDGE Women with the necessary resources and references to be successful in living God’s will each day.
We love that kids are part of Bridge Fellowship Church. Kids learn best in a fun, safe environment where they are encouraged to listen, ask questions, and explore the Bible in an age-appropriate, spiritually-enriching manner.
We also understand that parenting is challenging. To support parents, we offer ways to extend the Bridge Kids teaching times to daily worship in the home. We desire to partner together with you in nurturing the faith of your children.
What To Expect
New Families
New families will be greeted at check-in where we will collect you and your child’s info, show your family around and help everyone get settled. We’ll ask for the following info: name, date of birth, address, phone number and any special instructions (e.g. allergies) to ensure we keep everyone safe. All our volunteers are screened, trained and supervised.
Group Worship
We love to lift Jesus’ name high in worship – and so do our kids! Children are lead through worship songs, honoring God with their voices and bodies. They may sing, dance, and use hand motions as they enjoy both new and old songs.
Creative Bible Teaching
We believe the Word of God should be taught boldly and correctly to children as well as adults. Each week our teachers open their Bibles and aim to captivate the hearts and imaginations of kids by creatively telling the stories of the best book ever written – the Bible. We use discussions, crafts, role plays and games to help kids connect and apply God’s Word to their lives.
Children engage in small group conversations about what they are learning that week, share prayer requests, apply the Bible to their lives, and play games to memorize scripture.
Age-Appropriate Programming
In this season of our church, we invite the older elementary school kids (5th grade and up) worship with us in the Worship Center. We believe there is value in our children worshipping with us. Bridge Kids is designed for children birth through 4th grade.