Devotions: Week of March 23, 2025

This 5-day devotional is based on a sermon titled “Unlocking Joy: Pressing Toward Heavenly Perfection Through Our Earthly Bodies” from Philippians 3:12–20, designed to help you live in the tension of the “already but not yet.”

Day 1: Prioritize Spiritual Perfection

Scripture Reading (CSB):
Philippians 3:12b – “I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus.”

Paul knew he wasn’t perfect—but that didn’t stop him from passionately pursuing the perfection that awaited him in glory. This verse reveals Paul’s relentless hunger for sanctification. Though glorification is God’s final work, we are not passive in the process. Like Paul, we must live as those who are actively pressing forward, striving toward Christlikeness with intentionality.

That means adjusting our priorities. A life aimed at spiritual perfection will look different from one chasing comfort, status, or worldly success. We let go of anything that doesn’t push us toward Christ. Not because we’re trying to earn salvation, but because we value what He’s already secured for us.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What distractions in your life are pulling you away from Christ?
  2. In what areas are you coasting spiritually instead of pressing forward?
  3. How can you practically pursue holiness this week?
  4. What does it mean for you personally to “make every effort” toward spiritual growth?

Thought of the Day:
Don’t just desire to be like Jesus—organize your life around that goal.

“Christ Be All Around Me” – All Sons & Daughters

Sermon Quote:
“Prioritize being perfected in Christ, because it’s the only thing that truly matters.”

Prayer Focus:
Ask God to reorient your desires toward spiritual growth. Confess areas where you’ve been distracted, and invite the Holy Spirit to help you refocus on the goal of Christlikeness.

Day 2: Understand You Belong to Jesus

Scripture Reading (CSB):
Philippians 3:12c – “because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus.”

Your life isn’t your own. Jesus has taken hold of you. This isn’t a hostile takeover—it’s a loving claim rooted in sacrifice. The One who lived perfectly and died willingly for your sins now holds you in His hands. That truth isn’t meant to restrict you; it’s meant to free you from the burden of self-rule.

Still, we wrestle with surrender. We want control—especially when God’s timing or direction doesn’t match our expectations. But Jesus, the only sinless One, knows the way. Belonging to Him means trusting Him to lead—even when you don’t understand the route.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Where in your life are you struggling to surrender control to Jesus?
  2. How do you typically respond when God’s direction doesn’t make sense?
  3. Do you live as if you truly belong to Christ? Why or why not?
  4. What needs to shift in your mindset to embrace full surrender?

Thought of the Day:
Freedom is found in surrendering to the One who knows the way.

“Lead Me to the Cross” – Francesca Battistelli

Sermon Quote:
“You say sorry to Jesus. You climb into the back seat. And you give Jesus the wheel.”

Prayer Focus:
Pray for a heart of humility and trust. Surrender specific areas of control and ask God to lead you in righteousness.

Day 3: Keep Growing—You Haven’t Arrived

Scripture Reading (CSB):
Philippians 3:13a – “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it.”

If Paul, a spiritual giant, knew he hadn’t arrived, then we certainly haven’t either. Growth in Christ is ongoing. There’s no spiritual retirement, no plateau where we can stop pursuing sanctification. And that’s good news—because God isn’t done with you yet.

But progress takes effort. God’s grace empowers us, but He expects us to cooperate with Him. We don’t grow by accident—we grow by discipline, obedience, and faithfulness. Let go of perfectionism, but don’t settle for stagnation. God saved you to shape you.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you ever assumed you’d “arrived” spiritually? What made you think that?
  2. In what ways have you seen spiritual growth in your life over the past year?
  3. Where is God calling you to grow right now?
  4. What step can you take this week to become more like Jesus?

Thought of the Day:
You’re not perfect—but you’re being perfected. Keep pressing on.

“Canvas and Clay” – Pat Barrett

Sermon Quote:
“God is not looking for flawless people. He’s looking for faithful disciples—people who keep showing up, keep growing, keep trusting in Him more and more.”

Prayer Focus:
Ask God to renew your hunger for growth. Commit to one area of obedience or discipline this week that will help you mature in faith.

Day 4: Hold Success Loosely

Scripture Reading (CSB):
Philippians 3:13b-14 – “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.”

Success is a blessing, but it’s not your destination. Too often, we cling to past achievements as if they’re the finish line. Paul, who had plenty of ministry wins, let go of what was behind so he could run full speed toward what mattered most—Christ.

Celebrate God’s faithfulness, but don’t stop striving. Don’t let comfort kill your calling. Every accomplishment, every breakthrough, is fuel to keep you moving forward. Your reward is not in your resume. It’s in Jesus—and the fullness of His presence in eternity.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What “past wins” are you tempted to rest on?
  2. How has comfort hindered your growth or obedience?
  3. Are you more focused on earthly success or eternal reward?
  4. What would it look like for you to keep pressing forward this week?

Thought of the Day:
Past success is not the finish line—Christ is.

“Only Jesus” – Casting Crowns

Sermon Quote:
“Celebrate your victories, but don’t cling to them. Be grateful, but not stagnant.”

Prayer Focus:
Thank God for every victory—but ask Him to help you let go of the past and press toward what He still has in store.

Day 5: Long for Heaven, Live for Jesus Now

Scripture Reading (CSB):
Philippians 3:20–21 – “Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly wait for a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of his glorious body…”

You are a citizen of a place you haven’t arrived at yet. You’re in the terminal—waiting for your flight. But this waiting isn’t passive. It’s preparation. Every struggle you face now, every sacrifice you make, is shaping you for glory.

Jesus is coming. And when He does, He will transform your broken, tired, tempted body into something glorious. No more sin. No more pain. No more death. Just eternity with Him. Let that truth change the way you live today. Don’t waste the wait.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How often do you think about heaven and glorification?
  2. How does your hope for eternity impact your choices now?
  3. Are you living like someone who truly believes Jesus is coming back?
  4. What do you need to let go of to prepare for your final destination?

Thought of the Day:
You’re in the terminal—live like someone who’s preparing for glory.

“There Will Be a Day” – Jeremy Camp

Sermon Quote:
“Your flight will be called. The gate will close. Your soul will take flight. Be ready. Ready to go home!”

Prayer Focus:
Pray for a deeper longing for Christ’s return. Ask God to help you live with urgency, hope, and joy as you wait for the day He makes you whole.