Devotions: Week of February 23, 2025

Living Worthy of the Church

Day 1: Strengthened by Shared Grace

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1 (CSB) “If, then, there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and mercy,”

Paul reminds the Philippians of the ways God has already worked in their lives. These are not hypothetical blessings but real experiences they have had in Christ. Encouragement in trials, the deep comfort of God’s love, the unity of the Spirit, and the overwhelming mercy of Jesus—these are gifts that should drive them to unity. If they have received such grace, how can they not extend it to one another?

The same is true for us today. We have all had moments when God showed up in powerful ways. When we recall those moments, it should compel us to remain unified, supporting and loving each other. A church that truly grasps the grace of God cannot help but be a place of grace for others.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Can you recall a time when God’s encouragement helped you through a difficult season?
  2. How does remembering God’s grace in your life change the way you interact with others in the church?
  3. What is one way you can extend grace to someone this week?
  4. Are you more prone to division or unity when facing church disagreements? Why?

Thought of the Day:
A church strengthened by grace is a church that thrives in unity.

Song: “Your Grace Finds Me” – Matt Redman

Quote from the Sermon: “Our memories of God’s work in our lives are more than mere reflections—they should drive a response in us.”

Prayer Focus: Ask God to help you recall His faithfulness and to empower you to extend that same grace to others.



Day 2: Finding Unity in Christ’s Mission

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:2 (CSB)
“Make my joy complete by thinking the same way, having the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.”

Paul pleads with the Philippians to be unified—not just in words, but in mindset, love, and mission. Their unity was not about uniformity but about a shared focus: the gospel. Churches today can become divided over personal preferences, traditions, and opinions, but Paul calls us to set all of that aside for the sake of Christ’s mission.

A Gospel-driven church does not waste time on petty disputes. Instead, it is marked by a singular devotion to making Jesus known. When we embrace this unity, the church stops being about me and starts being about Him.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What distractions keep you from being fully engaged in Christ’s mission?
  2. How can you contribute to unity in your church instead of division?
  3. Why is unity in mission essential for the church’s effectiveness?
  4. Are you fully embracing the gospel as your life’s central purpose?

Thought of the Day:
The church is not about me—it’s about Him.

Song: “We Believe” – Newsboys

Quote from the Sermon: “A church truly united in the gospel doesn’t waste time on nonsense.”

Prayer Focus: Pray for a heart that is mission-driven and for unity in your church to reflect the heart of Christ.



Day 3: Delight in Putting Others First

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:3-4 (CSB)
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look not to his own interests, but rather to the interests of others.”

Paul’s words challenge our natural instincts. In a world obsessed with self-promotion and personal gain, the call to humility and selflessness feels radical. Yet, this is the heart of Christ’s example. A church that thrives is one where people serve one another, not for recognition but out of genuine love.

True humility doesn’t mean thinking less of yourself—it means thinking of yourself less. When we shift our focus from what can I get to how can I serve, the church becomes a place of true transformation. This is how we live worthy of the church.

Reflection Questions:

  1. In what ways do you struggle with selfish ambition or pride?
  2. How can you intentionally put someone else’s needs before your own this week?
  3. What does humility look like in your daily interactions?
  4. How would your church change if everyone truly embraced this mindset?

Thought of the Day:
A humble church is a powerful witness to the world.

Song: “Jesus at the Center” – Israel Houghton

Quote from the Sermon: “A humble church looks out for each other. A humble church, shines in a world obsessed with self.”

Prayer Focus: Ask God to remove pride from your heart and replace it with a spirit of humility and service.



Day 4: Rejecting Spiritual Consumerism

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1-4 (CSB)

Paul’s message reminds us that the church is not a consumer product—it’s a family. Too often, people approach church with a mindset of what can I get rather than what can I give. This leads to shallow relationships, unmet expectations, and church-hopping when things don’t go their way.

Being part of the church means committing to the messy, beautiful, challenging, and rewarding work of loving and serving others. It’s about belonging, not consuming. When we let go of our personal agendas, we begin to experience the fullness of what God intended for His church.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you approach church as a consumer or as a committed member of the family?
  2. How can you actively invest in your church community?
  3. What sacrifices are you willing to make for the sake of unity?
  4. Are there areas where you need to let go of personal preferences for the sake of the gospel?

Thought of the Day:
Church is not about consuming—it’s about belonging.

Song: “Build Your Church” – Maverick City & Brandon Lake

Quote from the Sermon: “Will we continually embrace the selfless life of a true disciple and reject spiritual consumerism?”

Prayer Focus: Ask God to shift your mindset from consumerism to commitment in His Church.



Day 5: Living Worthy of the Church

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1-4 (CSB)

Paul’s words are not just encouragement—they are a call to action. Living worthy of the church means committing to shared grace, unity in mission, and a life of humility. It means choosing Christ over comfort, service over self, and mission over me.

A church that embraces this calling is a church that changes lives. It’s a church that reflects Jesus to the world. And it starts with each of us.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What is one change you can make to live more worthy of the church?
  2. How can you encourage unity in your church family?
  3. In what areas do you need to surrender your personal preferences for the sake of the gospel?
  4. What is one action step you will take this week to live this out?

Thought of the Day:
A church that lives worthy of the gospel is a church that changes the world.

Song: “O Church Arise” – Keith & Kristyn Getty

Quote from the Sermon: “No more excuses. No more half-hearted commitment. No more living for ourselves. Let’s be the Church.”

Prayer Focus: Pray for a heart fully committed to living worthy of the church and the gospel.